In The Mouth Of Babes My Praise Is Perfected

There is just something totally awesome about children. They are so sweet, so loving, so trusting, and simply adorable. They love life, love to sing, love to play, love to learn, love to interact, and simply explore life with great joy.

Last year our daughter participated in the Celebration of the Ressurection of Christ. That holiday that many call easter. It was such a blessing as a father to see my precious child dancing, singing, filled with joy and simply gathered together with all the little lambs worshipping God before the congregation.

It was actually quite beautiful to see all God's children enjoying the beauty of the day, gathered together, sharing fellowship, and just being kids.

May we all be like little children, for such as these are the kingdom of Heaven.

Blessings, in Christ the Lord.
In His Glorious Name Ministries

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